Send a message to the British State from your ballot paper

Scottish Self-Determination

Repurpose Your Vote in GE2024

repurpose your vote graphic

Weaponise Your Vote


Repurpose your vote to tell them that you’ve had enough; that you want to end the union now.

Westminster elections in Scotland are little more than a charade, which renders our participation in these elections pointless.

If the pro-independence political parties won’t offer a way to make our votes bite, then we will have to do it ourselves.

By repurposing our ballots we can signal our rejection of a system intended to permanently disadvantage Scotland and demand instead what we really want: an end to the union.

Your vote at the this election counts for nothing. Don’t play by their rules. Instead, go to the polling place and write #EndTheUnion across your ballot paper. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.



A Unity of Purpose


The #RepurposeYourVote campaign is an opportunity for independence activists to rediscover the unity of purpose that we had in the early days of the Yes movement.

It is a simple thing that every one of us can do. It costs nothing and has the potential to be the game-changer that Scotland’s cause so desperately needs.

By acting as one, we can make our collective voice heard and take back Scotland’s cause from the politicians who have consistently failed us for almost a decade and show no signs of serving our cause any better in the future.

Repurpose your vote: Write #EndTheUnion across your ballot paper.



The Pro-Independence Parties


At least 50% of Scottish voters want Scotland’s independence restored. No party represents them.

Voting for any candidate will just send more MPs to sit on their hands, as they have been doing since we returned pro-independence MPs from nearly every constituency in 2015.

A vote for any of the nominally pro-independence parties’ candidates is not a vote for independence. It is a vote for empty promises, empty rhetoric and empty suits.

In the 2024 Westminster election, independence supporters will be effectively disenfranchised. No politician or party is offering a #ManifestoForIndependence.

Repurposing your vote will send a powerful message to the pro-independence parties that they must rethink their approach to the constitutional issue.



A Wasted Vote


There is no win for Scotland in a UK general election

Voters in Scotland cannot influence the outcome of the 2024 UK general election. The result, as always, will be decided by voters in England. No matter what party emerges the victor, for Scotland, it can only be bad news.

Even if everybody in Scotland had two votes each we would still have no meaningful influence on the result and no way to end the exploitation of Scotland under the Union.

If you are an elector in Scotland and you vote for any party or candidate, your vote is worthless – the very definition of a wasted vote!

Don’t waste your vote! Repurpose your ballot paper and send a message from Scotland that the Union must be ended!



Repurpose, Not Spoil

The #RepurposeYourVote campaign is not about spoiling ballot papers. We are talking about repurposing ballot papers as a vote to #EndTheUnion. There is no win for Scotland in a UK general election. No matter what party or candidate you vote for, Scotland’s cause loses.

There is no way to vote for independence because, as things stand, no party is offering a genuine #ManifestoForIndependence.

There is no way for Scottish voters to influence the outcome of the 2024 Westminster election. And it wouldn’t matter if there was because there is no outcome that isn’t seriously bad news for Scotland. When voting for what’s on offer cannot have any effect, voting in the customary way is truly a wasted vote.

If independence supporters are to be heard in this election then it cannot be by voting according to British rules which ensure our voice is not heard. We will only be heard if we do something extraordinary. We will only be heard if we combine to break the rules in a coordinated way that will be recognisable as a purposeful campaign.

If even 3% of voters in Scotland repurpose their ballot to vote #EndTheUnion, this would be the biggest story of the 2024 UK general election. The target set by the #RepurposeYourVote campaign is 5% – the percentage required if a candidate is to save their deposit.

For the campaign to be effective two things are required: numbers and consistency. The more people who participate, the louder the voice. So long as we all repurpose our ballots in exactly the same way, the message will be clear.

That message is not only that we want to #EndTheUnion. The #RepurposeYourVote campaign gives voters an opportunity to demonstrate solidarity and signal their rejection of ALL the nominally pro-independence parties and ALL the timorous, self-serving politicians with ALL their empty promises, vacuous proposals and attempted blackmail.

Given that your vote is worthless anyway, what have you got to lose? In the 2024 UK general election, repurpose your ballot paper as a vote to end the Union and restore Scotland’s independence.

